Ipswich Housing Action Group
At The Chapman Centre, Blackhorse Lane, the “Advice Hub” offers support and advice for anyone with queries regarding losing a home, either via the telephone or face-to-face. The Centre also offers practical help such as a postal address service, showers, washing facilities and food parcels. Also, financial advice.
Telephone: 01473 232426
In need of supported accommodation (ie hostel) anywhere in Suffolk (Ipswich included)?
You have to fill in a referral form via the website: https://portal.suffolk.gov.uk/hrs/
Or phone: 01473 265 696 or email: hrsaccess@suffolk.gov.uk
Or for homelessness within Ipswich Borough Council contact Housing Options:
housing.options@ipswich.gov.uk / 01473 432000 or out of hours 01473 433228, but they will also fill in a HRS referral as well.
“If you think you may have to leave your home, we will work with you to prevent this happening. We can give you advice, assistance and agree with you a Personal Housing Plan, which lists reasonable steps you and the Council will take, to help you stay in your home. This may include debt advice, mediation and negotiation.”
If you (or someone you know) are struggling to pay fuel bills or heat the home, please call 03456 037 686 for free advice and to see what help you may qualify for.
Suffolk Refugee Support
Ipswich Top Up Shops
£2 per bag | No Referrals | No Qualifying Criteria | All Welcome
A Top Up Shop is for anyone to fill a shopping bag for £2.
FIND (Families in Need) Foodbank
Support is via referring agency eg. social services, school, GP, Citizens’ Advice Bureau